Notes from Pre-Inspection Meeting on Tue 12 Oct 2021 – Part 7 (Final)
By Nige
on October 13, 2021
at 9:43 am
Type: News
Category: Handover
Tags: Announcements | Bloor Homes | East Midlands Landscaping | Vale of White Horse District Council
Points raised in relation to the northern part of the west side of the development:
- From the west side of the development, we walked into the centre along Virgate.
- Noted there were a number of trees missing from the newly seeded grass verge on the north side of Virgate where the old site office was located. Also noted there were some large rocks/bricks which were not there when the area was seeded. Unclear where these came from.
- Proposal: Plant these missing trees.
- Looking up Plough Lane between the bungalows and the field with the large oak tree. Noted there was a gap between the outer fence (responsibility of Bloor) and the inner fence (responsibility of the owner of the field). Need to check what we can put in place to prevent access to this gap between the two fences.
- Action: AB to propose something to stop access to this gap.
Next steps:
- AB will write up the agreed works to be undertaken by EML and ECL (where the work doesn’t relate to landscaping). He will circulate this.
- The RA to circulate proposals and check whether residents have any particular concerns.
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