
An Intro to The Dovecote Residents’ Association Website

By Nige on February 1, 2023 at 6:59 pm
Type: Post Category: Handover
Tags: Announcements | Website

We have only been around for just under 3 years, but we finally have a website to give the residents some additional focus on activities going on in and around The Dovecote.

We have summarised the Key Points for those who just want the headlines. For those that would like to read a little more, head to our In-Depth Analysis.

Key Points

  • We have a fabulous Facebook (FB) group, where residents share ideas.
  • This website is designed to provide access to all of the information that residents need to refer to.
  • This website has seven main sections: The RA, Handover, Blog, News, Resources, Contact and Help. All aimed at providing a range of information that you may be interested in.
  • There are also members options for registering, logging in, managing your profile and managing your subscription.

In-Depth Analysis


We have a fabulous Facebook (FB) group, where residents share ideas. Up until now, it has been our primary means of communication. This website will work hand-in-hand with the FB group.

This site is designed to provide access to all of the information that residents need to refer to. Whether that be in respect to who we are, what The Dovecote Residents’ Association (TDRA) is doing or even what the latest position is relating to our discussions with Bloor Homes and Vale of White Horse District Council. Whatever your question, you should be able to find the answer on this website.

If you can’t just let us know and we can add whatever you think is missing. Remember it needs to be related to The Dovecote!

Quick Overview

We thought it was worthwhile providing a quick overview of how the website is structured:

  • The RA – this is a meaty section containing information about TDRA including who we are, what appears in our Constitution, what meetings we have held, a copy of the newsletters that we have issued, what initiatives are underway, who we have been in communication with, a copy of our snagging list and a note of what maintenance has been undertaken.
  • Handover – this section focuses on handover, including what the handover process looks like and access to all of the original planning information. It also includes information about the Management Company and what life might be like after handover.
  • Blog – you have already found the blog by reading this post! This is where we will post articles that we believe residents will find interesting.
  • News – any information that we need to share with residents will appear here. It should be relatively short and snappy, and may include a link to a blog post with more details. There’s a plan as to how this news section will interact with our FB group – more on that later.
  • Resources – this is where useful resources will be available. None defined just yet – more on that later.
  • Contact – a way of residents engaging with TDRA. Perhaps you have some ideas about enhancing the website, or there’s a problem somewhere on the development.
  • Help – the name says it all. If you are stuck and you don’t know what you need to do next, look here for some pointers.


There are also membership-related options for registering, logging in, managing your profile and managing your subscription.

We expect there will be additional membership-related capabilities in the future. All aimed at making things easier for residents.

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